Copyright (c) 2019, Mnheia
Contributors: Danilo Godec
A Nagios plugin to check number of running VMs on VMWare environment
Server Side
You will need to define command:
define command {
command_name check_vmware_running_vms
command_line sshpass -p $_MONITORING_PASSWORD$ $USER1$/ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$
You will need to define service:
define service {
service_description RUNNING_VMS
host_name hostname
use service-name
check_command check_vmware_running_vms!$_MONITORING_USER$!$HOSTADDRESS$!1
Where number of running VMs on SERVICE should be 1 - replace number with the number of VMs that should be running.
You will need to add a custom argument on 'host' definition:
monitoring_user username
monitoring_password password
Client Side
- user for monitoring on VMWare side that is allowed of doing SSH
- ssh connection from monitoring server to ESXi server
Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at