About Icinga Exchange
Easily search and store projects and connect with the community members who created them.
Icinga Exchange is a central repository for all plugins, addons, scripts and modules that extend Icinga and all
compatible projects like Nagios, Shinken, Naemon or Sensu.
In addition to the offical Monitoring Plugins there are hundreds of plugins, addons and integrations to extend your monitoring system. A "good" plugin should have positive rating and active improvements. Some of them remain hidden in a Git repository or a blog post, and it is not so easy to send feedback to the author. Icinga Exchange aims to solve these problems by providing a search catalog.
Who We Are
Team Icinga is a group of Open Source enthusiasts who have good faith in improving the monitoring stack in your infrastructure. We can only provide the basis -- our community is going strong every day with new plugins, addons and much more. Icinga Exchange is here to provide a stable catalog and search interface for you. Thanks for your contribution!
Getting Started
Projects on Icinga Exchange can be maintained in two ways: Using Git or manually on Icinga Exchange
Using Git
By providing us with a url to your Git repository we'll use Github releases or tags to create releases and the README.md as the project's description. We're checking on a daily basis for new updates then.
Manually on Icinga Exchange
Projects which are not maintained in a Git repository can be uploaded to Icinga Exchange as well. You're then fully responsible by yourself to keep the project up to date.
Which One to Pick?
If you've got a Git repository and want to keep it for a while (especially if it's located on Github) you probably want to set up a project which is synchronized with your repository. This way you'll just update your project as usual and we'll keep it automatically up to date on Icinga Exchange for you.
In case you don't want your project on Icinga Exchange being dependent on another platform, just create a standard project on Icinga Exchange. However, this way you'll need to keep the project up to date by yourself and to upload all necessary files every time to our platform.