
Check Linux network interfaces without SNMP


Check Linux network interfaces without SNMP.

I was looking for a check plugin that...

  1. does not use SNMP
  2. provides all available interface metrics (incl. warn and crit thresholds if applicable) as performance data
  3. allows alarming on rx / tx bytes, rx / tx drops and rx / tx errors

So I came up with this little Python3 script.

Required modules:

  • argparse
  • json
  • os
  • sys
  • time

Dependencies and prerequisites

This script was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04 and RedHat / Centos 6 & 7. There are no root privileges required to read from /proc/net/dev. This script needs a temp file to store the metrics from the last check and compare the delta. Per default, it will use /tmp/' + args.device + '_check_linux_net_dev.tmp. You can override this by specifying another file by using --temp-file you want to use another location due to any restrictions in your environment.


Run ./check_linux_net_dev -h for a detailed help message and overview of all supported parameters.


Without thresholds

./check_linux_net_dev -d wlan0 --svc-chk-interval 60 - network device statistics for wlan0

./check_linux_net_dev -d tun0 --svc-chk-interval 300 - network device statistics for tun0 with a service check interval of 300 seconds

With thresholds

./check_linux_net_dev -d wlan0 --svc-chk-interval 60 --tx-bytes-warn 300 - network device statistics for tun0 with a warning threshold for transmitted bytes of 300

./check_linux_net_dev -d wlan0 --svc-chk-interval 60 --tx-bytes-wanr 300 --rx-bytes-crit 3000 --tx-drops-crit 1000 --tx-errors-warn 100 same as above + additional thresholds

Roadmap for the next version:

  • generic handling of thresholds for any value
  • be more user-friendly (i.e. input validation and sanity checks & a warning if warn > crit)
  • additional testing in container
  • review for more robust error and exception handling