
Raises an alarm if the state of an interface does not match the desired state (UP).


Nagios and Icinga2 plugin to check the link state of any network interface on a Linux host


This plugin requires:

  • Python3

How it works

The plugin reads the link state from /sys/class/net//operstate. An alarm is raised if the link state (up/down) does not match the desired state.

Performance data

This plugin provides the following metrics:

  • link_state: values match the exit code of the plugin (0: state == desired state; 2: state != desired state)


See the examples below or execute the plugin with -h/--help.


Raise an alarm if eth0 is down:

./check_linux_link_state -d eth0 -s up
eth0 LINK STATE OK - Device eth0 link is up. | link_state=0

The default of the desired state is up. So the state argument can be omitted and the command above is equivalent to:

./check_linux_link_state -d eth0
eth0 LINK STATE OK - Device eth0 link is up. | link_state=0

Raise an alarm if eth0 is up:

./check_linux_link_state -d eth0 -s down 
eth0 LINK STATE CRTITCAL - Device eth0 link is up | link_state=2