check_zonesync is a nagios plugin which can determine whether zones are replicated properly between master and slave DNS servers and if master/masters have properly loaded zones/are serving the most recent version of zone/zones.
In order to run check_zonesync you need to have following dependencies installed:
- pymisc (https://github.com/vespian/pymisc)
- python >=3.2 (not tested on earlier versions)
- python3-yaml
- python3-dnspython
You can also use debian packaging rules from debian/ directory to build a deb package. It requires pybuild debian build system for Python. More details can be found here: https://wiki.debian.org/Python/Pybuild
The tool assumes that for each zone, file pointed by zonedata argument has the correct and the most up2date zone information. It is parsed using dnspython python module and stored in scripts memory. Then, script connects first to DNS masters defined in its config file and requests AXFR transfer. If the data rece- ived from master differs from the one obtained from file, script assumes that slaves do not have correct data either and returns warning/critical message to the monitoring system. If the data is correct, the script requests AXFR zone transfers from slaves as well. If the data is also in sync then the script concludes that DNS servers are serving correct data.
Worth noting is the fact that SOA differences result in warning state, and any other error condition ends with critical. This is due to the fact that SOA header differences are not mission critical, whereas things like differing/missing CNAME records, failed AXFR tranfer, unreachable DNS server are.
The script fully supports TSIG zone signing, so it is possible to check zone replication/synchronization even if serwers are authenticating the transmission.
The tool has built in help:
root@adns:/etc/bind# check-zonesync -h
usage: check-zonesync [-h] [--version] -c CONFIG_FILE [-v] [-s]
Zone replication synchronization check.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
Location of the configuration file
-v, --verbose Provide extra logging messages.
-s, --std-err Log to stderr instead of syslog
Author: Pawel Rozlach
At minimum, the script needs to know where it can find the config file. The '-v' and '-s' options are usefull only during debugging and verifying the alert raised by the plugin.
Config file
As mentioned earlier the script uses the config file which define what and how should be checked. Same config file can be found below:
lockfile: /tmp/check-zonesync.lock
timeout: 3
port: 54
key-id: master1-slave-key
key-data: 8Y82bUZAy+izCckwxYUiMF1yzngCL8vZbNWydhYupE3U6KOcfAkcjm5xn42ZhJgYkwtTcqOT8rrsxop7SLe6vQ==
key-algo: hmac-sha512
master: true
key-id: master2-slave-key
key-data: 9DpVfo7ossbLvLSIvZjz0Zw0+N/kd+c6Z/c5z1SajpFsTYMDaktsujTLmDJ7zDp8MFDU1M5Hax2+p5xS+mfBLw==
key-algo: hmac-sha512
master: true
key-id: slavehost2-slave-key
key-data: YUsVB42q8QxW/t1KINeM8CAo0A63j3LTlNLPZ8nqGXMUL/rArk17CfjpYDgmWlIGloYNs3UYkUibWztQiK9lEg==
key-algo: hmac-sha512
key-id: slavehost3-slave-key
key-data: msTrUNoF7BHApvSQkgEyn8v3LVr+/ssJVUFlytDiRHgZz6RmhVCl1FfIb51rXCcGb190V8ZAuVvLFbWJ0W/n8w==
key-algo: hmac-sha512
zonedata: /tmp/example.com.zone
The meaning of the fields is as follows:
- lockfile(mandatory) - the file that the script will use for advisory locking. Only one instance of the script should be active at any given time.
- timeout(mandatory) - time after which script will abort it's operation and terminate. A message to the monitoring system will still be sent to warn the user.
- zones(mandatory) - a hash with zone names as keys, which contains all the data required
to verify the zone synchroniztion. Each zone has following options available:
- zonedata(mandatory) - the path to a file that contains correct DNS zone data.
- zonehosts(mandatory) - peers(masters/slaves, not matter if stealth or not) that serve given domain. Peer's name should be meaningfull, but it is not used by the script to connect to the named daemon.
Each zonehosts entry has following parameters:
- ip(mandatory) - IP address of the host that the plug should connect to in order to verify the correctness of the zone.
- port(optional) - the port that should be used when connecting to the zone hosts. By default it is '53'.
- master(optional) - defines if the host is master or slave for given zone. By default the host is a slave to a domain.
- key-id(optional) - id of the TSIG key that should be sent to the server while requiring zone transfer
- key-data(optional) - the base64 encoded TSIG key itself
- key-algo(optional) - TSIG algorithm that should be used.
Additional information
The script's source is well documented - please consult it in case of any ambiguities
Currenlty the unittest python library is used to perform all the testing. In test/ directory you can find:
- modules/ - modules used by unittests
- moduletests/ - the unittests themselves
- fabric/ - sample input files and test certificates temporary directories
- output_coverage_html/ - coverage tests results in a form of an html webpage
Unittests can be started either by using nosetest command:
(venv) vespian@mop:check_growth/ (master) $ python3 `which nosetests` [17:33:15]
Ran 1 tests in 0.349s
or by issuing the run_tests.py command:
(venv) vespian@mop:check_growth/ (master) $ ./run_tests.py [17:33:21]
Ran 8 tests in 0.258s
The difference is that the run_tests.py takes care of generating coverage reports for you.
Author Information
This script has been created by Pawel Rozlach during his work for Brainly.com,
and then opensourced by the company on Apache 2.0 license. Please check the
file for more details.