This Python Nagios plugin checks for any failed VM backups on SimpliVity Omnicubes. There's also a second mode in this plugin to display all VMs with a specific backup policiy.
Ricardo Klement (
Just copy the file into your Nagios plugin directory. For example this path: /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
Give execution rights for the nagios user. This plugin needs Python 2 to be installed.
Because this plugin uses SSH to connect to the OmniCube you need the Python module "pexpect" installed which contains "pxssh".
sudo yum install pexpect.noarch
sudo apt-get install python-pexpect
Why not Python 3 you may ask? Most Nagios / Icinga installations are already using other plugins which are written in Python 2. So for compatibility reasons I've decided to use Python 2 as well.
Test on command line
If you are in the Nagios plugin directory execute this command:
./ -H ip_address_of_omnicube -U "domain\\\myuser" -P yourpassword -M status
This should output something like this:
OK - All backups were successful
Here are all arguments that can be used within this plugin:
Give the host address of an OmniCube with the IP address or FQDN
OmniCube SSH username (remember to escape the backslash in the username. For example domain\myuser would be "domain\\\myuser" or domain\\\\myuser as argument)
OmniCube SSH password
Plugins mode (-M status (to check if all backups were successful), -M status:notstarted (to check if all backups were successful including not started backups) or -M policy (to check if all VMs have policies assigned))
[-N ]
When you use -M policy then you have to set the policy name here
[-E ]
Optional: Exclude comma separated hosts from the check for policy check
[-D ]
Optional: Without an argument the backups status check gets the status from yesterday.
If you wish to check for other time ranges, give the argument -D YYYY-MM-DD
[-T ]
Optional: SSH and OmniCube command timeout in seconds. Default is 45 seconds.
Install in Nagios
Edit your commands.cfg and add the following.
Example for checking the backup status:
define command {
command_name check_usolved_omnicube_backup_status
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -M status
Example for checking the assigned backup policies:
define command {
command_name check_usolved_omnicube_backup_policy
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -M policy -N policyname -E $ARG3$
Edit your services.cfg and add the following.
Example for checking the backup status:
define service{
host_name Test-Server
service_description OmniCube-Backup-Status
use generic-service
check_command check_usolved_omnicube_backup_status!domain\\\\username!password
Example for checking the assigned backup policies:
define service{
host_name Test-Server
service_description OmniCube-Backup-Policies
use generic-service
check_command check_usolved_omnicube_backup_policy!domain\\\\username!password!hostnotwant1,hostnotwant2
You could also use host macros for the username and password. Again: Pay attention for escaping the domain and username with the backslashes. If you use a frontend like Centreon you need to put 4 backslashes between the domain and username.
Don't worry if the check takes a while for returning the info. The OmniCube SSH commands will take a while for executing.
Errors you may encounter
If you get some cryptic erorrs with pxssh on CentOS 6 you need to edit the fallowing file:
vi /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
Add the following lines of code:
self.sendline() #Line 134
time.sleep(0.5) #Line 135
Should be inserted above the fallowing line:
self.read_nonblocking(size=10000,timeout=1) # GAS: Clear out the cache before getting the prompt
What's new
Added enhanced argument status:notstarted to check for not started backups (OmniCube command svt-backup-show just includes started backups)
Bugfix for parameter -D. The --until argument is now being used for the OmniCube command
Timeout parameter is now also being used for the OmniCube commands and not just the SSH connect
Changed policy check that you can list hosts with a specific policy name
Bugfix for the backup status. When the retried backup succeeded you'll get an OK status and an extended info which hosts needed more than one try
Initial release