
Nagios Plugin that checks the real free memory of a Linux system



This PHP Nagios plugin calculates the real free memory according to When you think that your Linux memory is always near to 100% consumed, that is properly not true. Linux calculates the free memory in a special way. This plugin tries to get the memory that is really still free to use.

The plugin also returns performance data.


Ricardo Klement (


Just copy the file check_usolved_linux_realmemory.php into your Nagios plugin directory. For example into the path /usr/local/nagios/libexec/

Give check_usolved_linux_realmemory.php the permission for execution for the nagios user. If you have at least PHP 5 this plugin should run out-of-the-box.

Make sure to have the PHP SNMP module installed and enabled in your php.ini.

> apt-get install php5-snmp (Ubuntu, Debian, ...) or > yum install php-snmp (RedHat, CentOS, ...)


Test on command line

If you are in the Nagios plugin directory execute this command:

./check_usolved_linux_realmemory.php -H localhost -C public -w 90 -c 95

This should output something like this:

OK - 18.8% Memory used (1119 MB of 5962 MB), 0% Swap used (0 MB of 7807 MB)

Here are all arguments that can be used with this plugin:

Give the host address with the IP address or FQDN

Give the SNMP Community String

Warning treshold in percent

Critical treshold in percent

[-V ]
Optional: SNMP version 1 or 2c are supported, if argument not given version 1 is used by default

[-P ]
Optional: Give 'yes' as argument if you wish performace data output

Install in Nagios

Edit your commands.cfg and add the following.

Example for basic check:

define command {
    command_name    check_usolved_linux_realmemory
    command_line    $USER1$/check_usolved_linux_realmemory.php -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $_HOSTSNMPCOMMUNITY$ -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

Example for using performance data and specific snmp version:

define command {
    command_name    check_usolved_linux_realmemory
    command_line    $USER1$/check_usolved_linux_realmemory.php -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $_HOSTSNMPCOMMUNITY$ -V $_HOSTSNMPVERSION$ -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -P $ARG3$

Edit your services.cfg and add the following.

Example for basic check:

define service{
    host_name               Test-Server
    service_description     Memory
    use                     generic-service
    check_command           check_usolved_linux_realmemory!90!95

Example for using performance data and excluding some partitions:

define service{
    host_name               Test-Server
    service_description     Memory
    use                     generic-service
    check_command           check_usolved_linux_realmemory!90!95!yes

What's new

v1.0 Initial release