Brings the regular check_ide_smart plugin kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Supports ATA devices behind HBAs by tunnelling ATA SMART commands over SCSI. This plugin monitors vendor supplied thresholds, individual attributes and SMART logs. Each attribute may be assigned warning and critical thresholds.
Supports full performance data of all supported attributes so that trends may be monitored via graphite/influx.
Does not support proprietary RAID arrays e.g. Dell PERC or HP CCISS devices (yet - but can do on request)
Supported Operating Systems
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Centos 7 fully supported
check_scsi_smart v1.2.x
(C) 2015-2016 Simon Murray
check_scsi_smart [-d ]
-h, --help
Print detailed help
-V, --version
Print version information
-d, --device=DEVICE
Select device DEVICE
Specify warning thresholds as a list of integer attributes to interger thresholds
Specify critical thresholds as a list of integer attributes to interger thresholds
$ sudo ./check_scsi_smart -d /dev/sdc -w 1:1000,3:1000 -c 187:1
CRITICAL: prdfail 0, advisory 0, critical 1, warning 1, logs 2 | 1_read_error_rate=151669074;1000;;; 3_spin_up_time=0;1000;;; 4_start_stop_count=26;;;; 5_reallocated_sectors_count=10904;;;; 7_seek_error_rate=8645237955;;;; 9_power_on_hours=23052;;;; 10_spin_retry_count=0;;;; 12_power_cycle_count=25;;;; 183_sata_downshift_error_count=124;;;; 184_end_to_end_error=0;;;; 187_reported_uncorrectable_errors=2;;1;; 188_command_timeout=4295032833;;;; 189_high_fly_writes=1;;;; 190_airflow_temperature=23;;;; 191_g_sense_error_rate=0;;;; 192_power_off_retract_count=18;;;; 193_load_cycle_count=8823;;;; 194_temperature=23;;;; 197_current_pending_sector_count=4288;;;; 198_uncorrectable_sector_count=4288;;;; 199_ultradma_crc_error_count=0;;;; 240_flying_head_hours=22723;;;; 241_total_lbas_written=4595646719;;;; 242_total_lbas_read=1956891669;;;;