Thruk - Monitoring Webinterface
Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface which currently supports Naemon, Icinga, Shinken and Nagios as backend using the Livestatus API. It is designed to be a 'dropin' replacement and covers the original features plus adds additional enhancements for large installations, increased usability and many useful addons.
All documentation is under docs/
- Ask a question on Stack Overflow
- Mailing list on Google Groups.
- File a Bug in GitHub Issues.
- Report a Security Advisory GitHub Security.
- Chat with developers on IRC Libera #thruk (Webchat).
Main Features / Advantages
- Multiple backends
- Faster while using less CPU
- Displays live data, no delay between core and GUI
- Clusterable, can be clustered over hosts
- Business Process Add-on
- Advanced status filters
- Extended logfile search
- Multiple themes included
- Excel export for status and logfiles
- Adjustable side menu
- Full expanded plugin commandline for easy testing
- Save searches in personal bookmarks
- Config Tool included
- Mobile interface included
- SLA Reports in PDF format
- Recurring Downtimes
- Fully Featured Dashboard
- Independant from monitoring core, can be installed on remote host
- Easy to extend with plugins
Thanks to all the amazing community contributors for sending PRs and keeping this project updated. :heart:
If you have an idea or some kind of improvement, you are welcome to contribute and participate in the Project, feel free to send your PR.
Thruk is Copyright (c) 2009-present by Sven Nierlein and others. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl5 programming language system itself:
a) the "Artistic License 1.0" as published by The Perl Foundation
b) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 or (at your option) any later version
SPDX-License-Identifier: Artistic-1.0-Perl OR GPL-1.0-or-later
Vendor specific libraries below ./root/thruk/vendor/
may have different
licenes. See THANKS
file for details.