
Monitoring dates of machines created in gurobi

Gurobi monitoring plugin

Checks an url raise an alert if some problem is found. Uses curl with all its power, so you can extend your check with all curl options.




sudo pip3 install gurobi_machines_plugin --upgrade

Also is possible to use::

sudo python3 -m pip install gurobi_machines_plugin --upgrade

On windows with python3.5::

pip install gurobi_machines_plugin --upgrade

For proxies add::



Use the command line::

> gurobi_machines_plugin --help
  usage: gurobi_machines_plugin [-h] [-u [URL]] [-e [EXTRA_ARGS]] 
                                [--client_id [CLIENT_ID]]
                                [--client_secret [CLIENT_SECRET]]
                                [--outdated_minutes [OUTDATED_MINUTES]]

    optional arguments:
                        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        -u [URL], --url [URL]
                                                url to check
                        -e [EXTRA_ARGS], --extra_args [EXTRA_ARGS]
                                                extra args to add to curl, see curl manpage
                        --client_id [CLIENT_ID]
                                                Header client_id
                        --client_secret [CLIENT_SECRET]
                                                Header client_secret
                        --outdated_minutes [OUTDATED_MINUTES]
                                                Minutes to consider outdated

Example usage

Example basic usage::

> gurobi_machines_plugin --url '{PoolID}/machines' 
                         --client_id '{client_id}' --client_secret '{client_secret}' --outdated_minute 60

Nagios config

Example command::

define command{
    command_name  check_gurobi_machines
    command_line  /usr/local/bin/gurobi_machines_plugin --url '$ARG1$' --client_id '$ARG2$' --client_secret '$ARG3$' --outdated_minute $ARG4$  $ARG5$

With proxy defined

use gurobi_machines with proxy

define command{ command_name check_gurobi_machines_proxy command_line https_proxy=http://user:pass@PROXYIP:PORT /usr/local/bin/gurobi_machines_plugin --url '$ARG1$' --client_id '$ARG2$' --client_secret '$ARG3$' --outdated_minute $ARG4$ $ARG5$ }

Example service::

define service {
        host_name                       SERVERX
        service_description             service_name
        check_command                   check_gurobi_machines!{PoolID}/machines!{client_id}!{client_secret}!60
        use                             generic-service
        notes                           some useful notes

With proxy defined:

define service {
        host_name                       SERVERX
        service_description             service_name
        check_command                   check_gurobi_machines_proxy!{PoolID}/machines!{client_id}!{client_secret}!60
        use                             generic-service
        notes                           some useful notes

You can use ansible role that already has the installation and command:


  • Use hash passwords
  • Add Unit tests?