
Icinga check plugin for Multitech iSMS (former SMSFinder), send SMS notifications, acknowledge problems

iSMS Notifications

This collection provides scripts for managing SMS notifications with Multitech iSMS (previously called SMSFinder).

  • Plugin which checks if iSMS is connected to the GSM network and its level of signal strength.
  • Notification handler to send an SMS via Multitech iSMS.
  • Acknowledgement addon smsack.cgi and to receive an SMS answer and set an acknowledgement in Icinga.

Required Perl Libraries

  • Getopt::Long
  • File::Basename
  • IO::Socket
  • XML::Simple`



install -d -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/isms

install -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/isms
install -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/isms, smsack.cgi and are implemented in the script. Therefore symlinks need to be created.

cd /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/isms
ln -s
ln -s smsack.cgi
ln -s


install -d -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/isms

install -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/isms
install -o root -g root -m755 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/isms, smsack.cgi and are implemented in the script. Therefore symlinks need to be created.

cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/isms
ln -s
ln -s smsack.cgi
ln -s


Icinga 2

Check Plugin

Add a new CheckCommand definition:

object CheckCommand "smsfinder" {
    import "ipv4-or-ipv6"

    command = [ PluginDir + "/isms/" ]

    arguments = {
        "-H" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_address$"
            description = "Hostaddress of the SMSFinder"
        "--user" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_user$"
            description = "The user to login to the SMS Finder"
        "--password" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_password$"
            description = "The password for the specified SMS Finder user"
        "--warning" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_warning$"
            description = "Warning level for signal strength in procent. (Default = 40)"
        "--critical" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_critical$"
            description = "Critical level for signal strength in procent. (Default = 20)"
        "--timeout" = {
            value = "$smsfinder_timeout$"
            description = "Time in seconds to wait before script stops."

    vars.smsfinder_address = "$check_address$"

Add a new Host definition:

object Host "smsfinder" {
    import "generic-host"
    address = ""

    vars.smsfinder_user = "admin"
    vars.smsfinder_password = "admin"
    vars.smsfinder_warning = 40
    vars.smsfinder_critical = 20
    vars.smsfinder_timeout = 5

Add a Service apply rule:

apply Service "smsfinder_status" {
    import "generic-service"
    check_command = "smsfinder"
    assign where host.vars.smsfinder_user

Notification Script

Add a new NotificationCommand definition for hosts and services:

object NotificationCommand "isms-host-notification" {

    command = [ PluginDir + "/isms/" ]

    arguments = {
        "-H" = {
            value = "$isms_address$"
            description = "Hostaddress of the SMSFinder"
        "--user" = {
            value = "$isms_user$"
            description = "The user to login to the SMS Finder"
        "--password" = {
            value = "$isms_password$"
            description = "The password for the specified SMS Finder user"
        "-n" = {
            value = "$isms_pager$"
            description = "Telephone number of the SMS recipient"
        "-m" = {
            value = "$isms_message$"
            description = "SMS message text"
        "--hostname" = {
            value = "$isms_hostname$"
            description = "Name of the host (used for DB checks)"
        "--type" = {
            value = "$isms_type$"
            description = "The type of alert (PROBLEM, RECOVERY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT). If this is given, the message will be prefixed with *ACK* or *REC* depending on the type. Be aware that the extra field will cause problems with acknowledgements if you use the suggested notification command. Corresponds to $notification.type$"
        "--use-db" = {
            set_if = "$isms_use_db$"
            description = "IDO switch - retrieve details from the IDO Database"

    vars.isms_pager = "$user.pager$"
    /* Keep the format intact for acknowledgement SMS parsing. */
    vars.isms_message = "$notification.type$ $host.display_name$> is $host.state$ $icinga.long_date_time$ $host.output$"
    vars.isms_hostname = "$host.display_name$"
    vars.isms_type = "$notification.type$"
    vars.isms_use_db = true

object NotificationCommand "isms-service-notification" {

    command = [ PluginDir + "/isms/" ]

    arguments = {
        "-H" = {
            value = "$isms_address$"
            description = "Hostaddress of the SMSFinder"
        "--user" = {
            value = "$isms_user$"
            description = "The user to login to the SMS Finder"
        "--password" = {
            value = "$isms_password$"
            description = "The password for the specified SMS Finder user"
        "-n" = {
            value = "$isms_pager$"
            description = "Telephone number of the SMS recipient"
        "-m" = {
            value = "$isms_message$"
            description = "SMS message text"
        "--hostname" = {
            value = "$isms_hostname$"
            description = "Name of the host (used for DB checks)"
        "--type" = {
            value = "$isms_type$"
            description = "The type of alert (PROBLEM, RECOVERY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT). If this is given, the message will be prefixed with *ACK* or *REC* depending on the type. Be aware that the extra field will cause problems with acknowledgements if you use the suggested notification command. Corresponds to $notification.type$"
        "--use-db" = {
            set_if = "$isms_use_db$"
            description = "IDO switch - retrieve details from the IDO Database"

    vars.isms_pager = "$user.pager$"
    /* Keep the format intact for acknowledgement SMS parsing. */
    vars.isms_message = "$notification.type$ $host.display_name$,$$> is $service.state$ $icinga.long_date_time$ $service.output$"
    vars.isms_hostname = "$host.display_name$"
    vars.isms_type = "$notification.type$"
    vars.isms_use_db = true

Add User and UserGroup objects:

object User "smsuser" {
    import "generic-user"
    display_name = "SMS Users"
    groups = [ "smsusers" ]

    pager = "0049123456789"

object UserGroup "smsusers" {
    display_name = "Icinga 2 SMS Group"

Add Notification templates:

template Notification "isms-host-notification" {
    command = "isms-host-notification"
    states = [ Up, Down ]
    types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom,
        FlappingStart, FlappingEnd,
        DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ]
    period = "24x7"

template Notification "isms-service-notification" {
    command = "isms-service-notification"

    states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ]
    types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom,
        FlappingStart, FlappingEnd,
        DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ]
    period = "24x7"

Add Notification apply rules:

apply Notification "isms-alerts" to Host {
    import "isms-host-notification"

    user_groups = host.vars.notification.sms.groups

    vars.sms_serveraddress = "[port]"
    vars.sms_user = "admin"
    vars.sms_password = "admin"
    assign where host.vars.notification.sms

apply Notification "isms-alerts" to Service {
    import "isms-service-notification"

    user_groups = host.vars.notification.sms.groups

    vars.sms_serveraddress = "[port]"
    vars.sms_user = "admin"
    vars.sms_password = "admin"
    assign where host.vars.notification.sms

Add host details for notification apply rules:

object Host "host_with_sms_notification" {
  import "generic-host"
  address = ""

  /* Define notification sms attributes */
  vars.notification["sms"] = {
    groups = [ "smsusers" ]


IDO Database Usage for Acknowledgements

You need to edit the connection details in the and scripts.

Start below this block:

# configure here to match your system setup


These plugins are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You will find a copy of this license in the COPYING file included in the source package.