Check for threats on the SentinelOne Cloud service.
You need to provide the URL of your instance and an authentication token, which is user specific. It is recommended to create a new user with "Viewer" permissions only.
Threats will be listed until their incident state has been resolved, or with the --ignore-in-progress
flag, is no
longer "unresolved". Mitigated threats appear as warning.
-H, --url string Management URL (e.g. (env:SENTINELONE_URL)
-T, --token string API AuthToken (env:SENTINELONE_TOKEN)
--site string Only list threats belonging to a named site
--ignore-in-progress Ignore threats, where the incident status is in-progress
--computer-name string Only list threats belonging to the specified computer name
-t, --timeout int Abort the check after n seconds (default 30)
-d, --debug Enable debug mode
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode
-V, --version Print version and exit
$ check_sentinelone --url --token secret --site Customer
CRITICAL - site Customer - 13 threats found, 3 not mitigated
## Your Account / Customer / Default Group
[2020-08-12 12:59 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Downloader) PDFCreator-1_9_4-setup.exe (Marked as benign)
[2020-07-03 08:23 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (PUA) cdbxp_setup_4.5.7.6321.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 2-1.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 4-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 7-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 13-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 1-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 14-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 23:12 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Trojan) 12-0.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 22:05 CEST] [CRITICAL] fileserver: (Adware) cdbxp_setup_4.5.8.7035.exe (Not mitigated)
[2020-07-02 22:05 CEST] [WARNING] fileserver: (Adware) cdbxp_setup_4-{DFBDE0DF-DBEC-4437-A6D6-76CD670E9503}-v297222.exe (Mitigated)
[2020-07-02 21:58 CEST] [CRITICAL] fileserver: (Adware) cdbxp_setup_4.5.8.7035.exe (Not mitigated)
[2020-07-02 21:58 CEST] [CRITICAL] fileserver: (Adware) cdbxp_setup_4.5.8.7035.exe (Not mitigated)
| threats=13 threats_not_mitigated=3
API Documentation
Full API documentation is available in api-docs
under your Sentinel One dashboard.
This is only available for customers as fair as we know.
Copyright (c) 2020" rel="nofollow">NETWAYS GmbH \ Copyright (c) 2020" rel="nofollow">Markus Frosch
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see