This plugin serves the purpose of getting data from the NETWAYS Monitor and calculating its state.
Usage -H -C [-p] [-V] [-v] [-h]
required arguments:
- HOSTNAME: host of the NETWAYS Monitor
-H, --hostname
- COMMUNITY: read community of the NETWAYS Monitor
-C, --community
optional arguments:
- HELP show the help message and exit
-h, --help
- VERSION shows the current version of the check plugin
-V, --version
- VERBOSE increases output verbosity (-v or -vv)
-v, --verbose
- TIMEOUT seconds before connection times out (defaults to 10)
-t, --timeout
- PORT SNMP port of the NETWAYS Monitor (defaults to 161)
-p, --port
- PHYSICAL-PORT physical port of the NETWAYS Monitor to check (shows all if not set)
-P, --physical-port