Check the Citrix Metaframe XP service by completing an HTTP dialogue with a Program Neigbourhood server (pn_server) that returns an ICA server in the named Server farm hosting the specified applications (an ICA server in a farm which runs some MS app). Ask as many times as necessary to find out how many different ICA servers offer the application.
- Perl libraries; Nagios::Plugins
[-P | --pn_server] The name or address of the Citrix Metaframe XP
Program Neigbourhood server (required).
[-A | --pub_app] The name of an application published by the server farm
(default 'Word 2003').
[-F | --server_farm] The name of a Citrix Metaframe XP server farm. (required)
[-m | --maximum] The maximum number of ICA servers that could offer the
service in total (required).
[-w | --warning] If less or equal servers offered the result will be warning.
[-c | --critical] If less or equal servers offered the result will be critical.
[-M | --max_requests] Don't send more requests than specified.
[-t | --timeout] Timeout as usual in seconds.
[-v | --verbose] Level of verbosity
[-h | --help] The help text an usage.
[-x | --xml_debug] Print XML requests and answers.
[-V | --version] Print version of the plugin.
./ -P pnserver -A windows -F farm -w 20 -c 25 -m 28 -M 200 -t 5