
Check Christ power panels CLM5-IP


This plugin queries Christ power panels CLM5-IP on port 10001

Usage -H  -m  -w :: -c ::


-H  Hostname

    Module name, has to be one of: power, temperature, analogIn,digitalIn

     -m power

    Critical thresholds, one or more of them. If you want to check multiple sensors at once please separate them by comma (,) - spaces are not allowed:

     --critical out1:1.1:10
     -c out1:0:10,out2::

    Warning thresholds, one or more of them. If you want to check multiple sensors at once please separate them by comma (,) - spaces are not allowed:

     --warning out1:2:5
     -w out1:2:5,out2:2.5:4.1

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