Icinga plugin to check couchbase cluster
The package jq is needed to parse the responses of the api
For Example:
apt-get install jq
-cc / --check-cluster Checks the connection between this node and the others (-w = warninig hosts down / -c = critical hosts down) <br />
-cn / --check-node Checks this node which different performace data (-c and -w not in use) <br />
-u / --user Login username <br />
-p / --passsword Login password <br />
-P / --port API port <br />
-h / --host IP address <br />
-w / --warning Warning value (only with --check-cluster in use) default: 0 <br />
-c / --critical Critical value (only with --check-clsuter in use) default: 0 <br />
check-cluster (-cc)
Returns count of healthy and failed hosts
check-node (-cn)
Returns state,ram used, cpu utilization, swap used, current items and uptime as performance data
Feature requests
Please send feature requests to this repository