Why a fork? According to my personal unterstanding Nagios, Icingia etc. are tools for
a) Monitoring and alarming. That means checking values against thresholds (internal or handed over)
b) Collecting performance data. These data, collected with the checks, like network traffic, cpu usage or so should be  interpretable without a lot of other data.
Athough is a great plugin it suffers from various things.
a) It acts as a monitoring plugin for Nagios etc.
b) It acts a more comfortable commandline interfacescript.
c) It collects all a lot of historical data to have all informations in one interface.
While a) is ok b) and c) needs to be discussed. b) was necessary when you had only the Windows GUI and working on Linux meant "No interface". this is obsolete now with the new webgui.
d) will be better used by using the webgui because historical data (in most situations) means adjusted data. Most of these
collected data is not feasible for alerting but for analysing performance gaps.
So as a conclusion collecting historic performance data collected by a monitored system should not be done using Nagios, pnp4nagios etc.. It should be interpreted with the approriate admin tools of the relevant system. For vmware it means use the (web)client for this and not Nagios. Same for performance counters not self explaining.
Monitoring swapped memory of a vmware guest system seems to makes sense. But on the second look it doesn't because on Nagios you do not have the surrounding conditions in one view like
- the number of the running guest systems on the vmware server.
- the swap every guest system needs
- the total space allocated for all systems
- swap/memory usage of the
- and a lot more
So monitoring memory of a host makes sense but the same for the guest via vmtools makes only a limited sense.
But this were only a few problems. Furthermore we had
- misleading descriptions
- things monitored for hosts but not for vmware servers
- a lot of absolutely unnesseary performance data (who needs a performane graph for uptime?)
- unnessessary output (CPU usage in Mhz for example)
- and a lot more.
This plugin is old and big and cluttered like the room of my little son. So it was time for some house cleaning. I try to clean up the code of every routine, change things and will try to ease maintenance of the code.
The plugin is not really ready but working. Due to the mass of options the help module needs work.
See history for changes
One last notice for technical issues. For better maintenance (and partly improved runtime) I have decided to modularize the plugin. It makes patching a lot easier. Modules which must be there every time are included with use, the others are include using require at runtime. This ensures that only that part of code is loaded which is needed.
Please see history file for all that changed.
Latest versions is 0.9.15.