- Get the CPU Usage for Windows, Solaris and Linux servers.
- Perfomance data can be graphed with pnp4nagios using the template.
- Works for MS Windows, Solaris and Linux servers
Sample command definition:
define command{
command_name check_cpu_usage
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/ops_plugins/check_cpu_usage -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
The syntax:
check_cpu_usage -H |--hostname= [-C |--community=] [-v <1|2c>|--snmpversion=<1|2c>] [-t |--timeout=] [-n|--noperfdata] [-w |--warning=] [-c |--critical=]
check_cpu_usage -h|--help
check_cpu_usage -V|--version
This plugin check the CPU usage of solaris, linux and windows servers
-h|--help Print detailed help screen
-V|--version Print version information
-H |--hostname= Hostname/IP-Adress to use for the check.
-C |--community= SNMP community that should be used to access the switch.
Default: public
-n|--noperfdata Don't print performance data.
-t |--timeout= Seconds before plugin times out.
Default: 60
-v <1|2c>|--snmpversion=<1|2c> SNMP version details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
Default: 1
-w |--warning= Warning threshold in percent.
Default: 80
-c |--critical= Critical threshold in percent.
Default: 90
Something about the perfdata template. This template includes a control break. You will always have 4 cpus in on graph with 4 different colors.If you wanna change it you have to play aorunt with $counter1 and $counter2 in the template.