
:penguin: Nagios-compatible Plugins for Linux

Release Version 15

What's new in this release


This plugin has been enhanced by the inclusion of some ideas that have been recently posted in the procps mailing list. As a result thereof, the memory usage calculation is now more accurate.

The option -a|--available, that gives an estimation of the available memory for starting new applications without swapping (based on a new kernel 3.14 feature), now requires a kernel 2.6.27 or above as a MemAvailable fall-back code has been implemented.
For older kernels MemFree is returned instead. The command line option -C|--caches is now ignored but still accepted for compatibility.


The perfdata counters _cpuuser, _cpu_system, _cpuidle, _cpuiowait, and _cpusteal, gain one decimal digit. A new command line option is now available (-m|--no-cpu-model) for removing the cpu model description from the output message.

As usual, bug reports, feature requests, and ideas for improvements are welcome!


Release tarball
application/gzip 2014-08-29 Download from Github

Release version 14 - Korbielow

What's new in this release

This is mainly a bugfix release and it contains the following changes and some other minor fixes:

check_users: new --verbose mode, for debugging.

check_uptime: new option -m|--clock-monotonic for retrieving the time of the linux monotonic clock instead of using the system statistics returned by sysinfo().

check_clock: option --refclock: validate the input instead of returning crap when the date format is unsupported.

check_readonlys: do not dereference a null pointer string in the output message when no readonly filesystems are detected.


Release tarball
application/gzip 2014-08-29 Download from Github

Release version 13

What's new in this release


The build system, the plugins and libraries are been reworked in order to support some older Linux kernels and (gcc) compilers. The nagios-plugins-linux can now be compiled and run on older linux systems, notably RHEL 5 (gcc 4.1.2, kernel 2.6.18).

check_memory: new option -a|--available for selecting the kernel counter MemAvailable instead of the default one (memory used). This feature requires a Linux kernel 3.14 or better. For older kernels the plugin falls back to the free memory counter.


check_tcpcount: do not exit with error opening /proc/net/tcp6 when the command line option --tcp6 has not been specified.

cpustats library: do not exit with an error message if softirq cannot be found in /proc/stat. This entry is not provided by old kernels.


Release tarball
application/gzip 2014-07-22 Download from Github
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