The plugin check_tl_health was developed with the aim of having a single tool for all aspects of monitoring of tape libraries.
Instead of installing a variety of plug-ins for monitoring of interfaces, hardware, slots, etc. and possibly more than one for each brand, with check_tl_health you need only one a single plugin.
Command line parameters
- --hostname
- --community
- --mode
hardware-health | cpu-load | memory-usage | uptime | ||
HP | StorEver 1×8 | X | X | ||
HP | StorEver MSL4048 | X | X | ||
Quantum | i40 | X | X | ||
Quantum | i80 | X | X | ||
Quantum | T950 | X | X | ||
Quantum | i6000 | X | X | ||
BDT | FlexStorII | X | X |
The list is not complete. Some drives that are not listed here can possibly be monitored because they implement the same MIBs as supported models. Just try it .... (If a device is not recognized, i can extend the plugin. But not for free)
- unpack with tar -xf
- ./configure
- make
- cp plugins-scripts/check_tl_health wherever...
# a HP Library
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health
CRITICAL - device 1 (HP MSL 4048, sn:DEC12701BS) status is critical
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health --verbose
I am a HP MSL G3 Series
CRITICAL - device 1 (HP MSL 4048, sn:DEC12701BS) status is critical
checking overall system
device 1 (HP MSL 4048, sn:DEC12701BS) status is critical
# a Quantum T950
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health
OK - hardware working fine
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health --verbose
I am a Linux MUC-TLIB-A 3.10.26 #1 SMP Wed May 21 15:50:38 MDT 2014 ppc
OK - hardware working fine
checking rassystems
connectivity has status good
control has status good
media has status good
drives has status good
powerAndCooling has status good
robotics has status good
# a Quantum i80
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health
CRITICAL - operator action requested, overall states: media=degraded aggregatedIEDoor=closedAndUnLocked power=good cooling=good control=good connectivity=good robotics=good drive=good
$ check_tl_health --hostname \
--community secret \
--mode hardware-health --verbose
I am a Linux hr-lib01 #1 PREEMPT Fri Apr 22 14:37:45 MDT 2011 ppc
CRITICAL - operator action requested, overall states: media=degraded aggregatedIEDoor=closedAndUnLocked power=good cooling=good control=good connectivity=good robotics=good drive=good
checking overall system
overall states: media=degraded aggregatedIEDoor=closedAndUnLocked power=good cooling=good control=good connectivity=good robotics=good drive=good
checking physical drives
overall drive status online=online readyness=ready
drive 1 states: online=online readyness=ready ras=good cleaning=notNeeded
drive 2 states: online=online readyness=ready ras=good cleaning=notNeeded
checking logical libraries
logical lib 1 states: online=online readyness=ready
The full documentation can be found here: check_tl_health @ ConSol Labs