
Bash program for sending messages to Mattermost

Mattermost Webhook

version !#/bin/bash Open Source Love

This bash program is used to for sending messages to your Mattermost instance using Mattermost Webhook URL.


# installing dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl git

# clone repository
git clone

# run mattermost_webhook program with help and learn how to use
mattermost_webhook --help


Argument Description Required
--url Webhook url for sending requests to Mattermost yes
--channel Name of channel in Mattermost yes
--message Message text yes
--username Username to notify as no [default: Mattermost Webhook]
--iconUrl URL of icon for a message no [default: Mattermost logo]
--debug Run program in debug mode optional
-V --version Show program version optional
-h --help Show program help and usage optional


# send a simple message 
mattermost_webhook --url [webhook_url] --channel [your_channel] --message "[your_message]"

# with a debug flag
mattermost_webhook --url [webhook_url] --channel [your_channel] --message "[your_message]" --debug

# post with a special icon
mattermost_webhook --url [webhook_url] --channel [your_channel] --message "[your_message]" --iconUrl [url_to_img_icon]

# different username
mattermost_webhook --url [webhook_url] --channel [your_channel] --message "[your_message]" --username [new_username]