
Monitoring plugin to check automatic updates (unattended-upgrades) on Debian / Ubuntu.


Note: The monitoring plugin is currently being rewritten from Shell (check_unattended_upgrades) to Python ( Use the Shell version until further notice.

Summary / Short description

> Monitoring plugin to check automatic updates (unattended-upgrades) on Debian / Ubuntu.


check_unattended_upgrades v1.4
Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Josef Friedrich 

Monitoring plugin to check automatic updates (unattended-upgrades) on Debian / Ubuntu.

Usage: check_unattended_upgrades 

 -A, --anacron
    Check if the package 'anacron' is installed.
 -a, --autoclean
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval' is set
 -c, --critical
        Time interval since the last execution to result in a
        critical state (time units depending on '--format').
 -D, --short-description
    Show a short description of this check plugin.
 -d, --download
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic:Download-Upgradeable-Packages'
    is set properly.
 -e, --enable
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic::Enable' is set properly.
 -f UNIT, --format UNIT
        Defines the unit for the numbers of '--warning' and '--
        critical', also the output of 'last-run'. Allowed values
        are: 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days', default:
 -h, --help
    Show this help message.
 -l, --lists
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists' is set
 -m, --mail
    Check if the configuration 'Unattended-Upgrade::Mail' is set properly.
 -n, --dry-run
    Check if 'unattended-upgrades --dry-run' is working. Warning: If you use
    this option the performance data last_ago is always 0 or near to 0.
 -p, --repo
    Check if 'Unattended-upgrades' is configured to include the specified
    custom repository.
 -R, --reboot
    Check if the machine needs a reboot.
 -r, --remove
    Check if the configuration 'Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-
    Dependencies' is set properly.
 -S, --security
    Check if 'Unattended-upgrades' is configured to handle security updates.
 -s, --sleep
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic::RandomSleep' is set properly.
 -t, --systemd-timers
    Check if the appropriate Systemd timers are enabled ( apt-daily-upgrade.timer, apt-daily.timer ).
 -u, --unattended
    Check if the configuration 'APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade' is set
 -v, --version
    Show the version number.
 -w, --warning
        Time interval since the last execution to result in a
        warning state (time units depending on '--format').

Performance data:
  - last_ago
      Time interval in seconds for last unattended-upgrades execution.
  - warning
      Interval in seconds.
  - critical
      Interval in seconds.

About file system permissions:
    The user which executes this plugin must have read permissions to this
    log file:


    To allow every user on your system to read the mentioned log file this
    permissions are recommended:

        751 (drwxr-x--x) /var/log/unattended-upgrades
        644 (-rw-r--r--) /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log

Project pages


make test