Check FastLTA Silent Cube
Icinga check-plugin for FastLTA Silent Cube
This is a basic check-plugin for icinga based on SNMP to check Silent Cubes from FastLTA.
.\ -H -C -o -w -c [ -h ]
[-H] Host to check
[-o] Define the part of the system you want to check
>Existing check options $fastLTA_variable$
headunit-status -> Working state from the Headunit
replica-status -> Checks if the replication works
sc-status -> Checks the Silent Cube status
sc-capusage -> Check the percentage usage of the silentcube
sc-disks -> Check the disks of the silentcube
sc-fans -> Check the fans of the silentcube
sc-psus -> Check the psus of the silentcube
sc-pending -> Check the pending Items on the silentcube Volumes
[-w] Warning threshold
[-c] Critical threshold
[-h] Show this page
Examples / Templates
object CheckCommand "fastLTA-sc" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_fastLTA-sc" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = "$fastLTA_address$"
"-C" = "$SNMP-Community"
"-o" = "$fastLTA_variable$"
"-w" = "$fastLTA_warn$"
"-c" = "$fastLTA_crit$"
vars.fastLTA_address = "$address$"
CheckCommand Variable | Plugin Argument | Description |
$fastLTA_address$ |
-H |
Address of the server |
$fastLTA_variable$ |
-o |
Variable that that will be checked |
$fastLTA_warn$ |
-w |
Warning threshold |
$fastLTA_crit$ |
-c |
Critical threshold |
Using Icinga Director
List name: fastLTA_variable-list | Key | Lable |
headunit-status | Headunit status | |
replica-status | Replication status | |
sc-status | Operation status Silent Cube | |
sc-capusage | Percentage usage Silent Cube | |
sc-disks | Status of Silent Cube Disks | |
sc-fans | Status of Silent Cube fans | |
sc-psus | Status of Silent Cube psus | |
sc-pending | Number of pending Items on Volume |
Field name: fastLTA_variable : Caption: fastLTA_variable : Data type: Datalist : Listname: fastLTA_variable-list
Field name: fastLTA_warn : Caption: fastLTA_warn
Field name: fastLTA_crit : Caption: fastLTA_crit
Published under GNU General Public License v3.0 © Jesse Reppin - 2024