Homeseer 3 device values

Icinga / Nagios check plugin for Homeseer 3


Icinga / Nagios check plugin for HS3 and HS4

Copy plugin to your PluginDir.

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins (Default PluginDir on Centos)
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins (Default PluginDir on Debian/Ubuntu)
Dependencies: pip install requests


  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host       HS3 host
  -d DEVREF, --devref       Comma-separated device ref (i.e: -d 70,181)
  -j JSONSTR, --jsonstr     HS3 JSON string (default: -j /JSON?request=getstatus&ref=)
  -w WARN, --warn       Comma-separated Warning value (i.e: -w 22,23)
  -c CRIT, --crit       Comma-separated Critical value (i.e: -c 25,26)
  -mx MAX, --max        Comma-separated Max value (i.e: -mx 40,45)
  -mn MIN, --min        Comma-separated Minimum value (i.e: -c 25,26)
  -sym SYMBOL, --symbos Device symbol (i.e: -dt °C)
  -s, --ssl                 Use ssl
  -u USERNAME, --username   Username
  -p PASSWORD, --password   Password

Icinga command:

object CheckCommand "hs3" {
    command = [ PluginContribDir + "/" ]

    arguments = {
        "-H" = {
            value = "$hs3_address$"
            description = "Name or IP address of HS3 to check."
        "-d" = {
            value = "$hs3_devref$"
            description = "Commaseparated list of devices."
        "-j" = {
            value = "$hs3_djsonstr$"
            description = "HS3 JSON string (ex: /JSON?request=getstatus&ref=)"  
        "-w" = {
            value = "$hs3_warn$"
            description = "Warning value"
        "-c" = {
            value = "$hs3_crit$"
            description = "Critical Value"
        "-mx" = {
            value = "$hs3_max$"
            description = "Maximum Value"
        "-mn" = {
            value = "$hs3_min$"
            description = "Minimum Value"
        "-sym" = {
            value = "$hs3_symbol$"
            description = "Symbol (ex: -sym °C)"
        "-s" = {
            value = "$hs3_ssl$"
            description = "Use ssl"
        "-u" = {
            value = "$hs3_username$"
            description = "Username"
        "-p" = {
            value = "$hs3_password$"
            description = "Password"


Service example:

apply Service "temperature_outdoor" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "hs3"
  check_interval = 1m
  vars.hs3_address = host.address
  vars.hs3_devref = "36,70"
  vars.hs3_warn = "20,21"
  vars.hs3_crit = "25,26"
  vars.hs3_max = "40,45"
  vars.ms3_min = "0,0"
  vars.hs3_symbol = "°C"  
  assign where == ""