
What is check_vmax?

This plugin for Icinga/Nagios is used to monitor RF and FA adapters, Power Supply stati and thin pool usage of EMC VMAX storages.

Contributions / Help

Send email to if you have questions regarding use of this software. Please include the following information in your email:

  • OS type and version
  • Perl version

To submit patches of suggest improvements, send email to


The check_vmax installation can be used by following the standard autotools installation process, documented in the INSTALL file. As a quick start you can do

$ ./configure
$ make all
# make install

This will install check_vmax to /usr/local/nagios/libexec and the PNP template to /usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/templates.

To change these paths use the following options:


If you don't use PNP you can disable installing the PNP template with:


To change the user and group ownership of these files use:


The 'nagios-plugins-vmax.spec' file demonstrates how to distribute check_vmax as an RPM package.

Also make sure that the following requirements are met:

Perl Perl-Modules: Getopt::Long


Short documentation on how to use this plugin.

Detailed documentation can be found on the project website.

The following checks can be performed by this plugin:

check_vmax -l adapter
check_vmax -l psu
check_vmax -l thinpool -w 90 -c 95