Checks for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (named ITSM, TSM or ADSM):

  • ADMIN_SCHEDULES - Number of (failed) Admin Schedules last 24hours
  • ALL_DATA                     - Calculate all stored data.
  • ALL_NODES                 - Prints utilisation for all nodes (use with care!)
  • CLIENT_SCHEDULES - Number of (failed) Client Schedules last 24hours
  • DB_UTIL               - Checks the utilisation of the DB
  • DISK_POOL           - Check usage of the storagepools on disk
  • DRIVES               - Number of Drives (with Online-State)
  • LIB_TAPES           - Number of Tapes in the Libary (with State)
  • LOG_UTIL             - Checks the utilisation of the LOG
  • MOVED_DATA             - Calculate the moved data in the last hour.
  • MOVED_DATA_24     - Calculate the moved data in the last 24 hours.
  • NODEUSAGE          - Checks the usage of the node '' (Backup and HSM)
  • PATHES               - Number of Pathes (with Access-State)
  • TAPE_POOL          - Check usage of the storagepools on tape (Scratch-Tapes)
  • TAPES                 - Number of Tapes (with Access-State)

Contains the check script and a PNP4Nagios template.