NOTE: Some of the code used in this plugin has been taken from open-source plugins for Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers found in the internet. The intention was not to steal but to create a plugin doing a little more than the others. Thanks to all the coders who gave their code to the public.
This plugin can also be found here
Standard run:
$ ./check\_fujitsu\ -H -C public
OK ID: YKHN0FRT18 - Environment(OK) - PowerSupply(OK) - SystemBoard(OK) | PowerConsumption=N/A housing0.0=1740rpm housing0.1=1380rpm power-supply0.2=855rpm Ambient=28C;38;43 Systemboard=37C;55;60 CPU=39C;90;95
Verbosity level 2:
$ ./check\_fujitsu\ -H -C public -v 2
OK ID: YKHN0FRT18 - Environment(OK) - PowerSupply(OK) - SystemBoard(OK) | PowerConsumption=N/A housing0.0 =1740rpm housing0.1=1380rpm power-supply0.2=855rpm Ambient=28C;38;43 Systemboard=37C;55;60 CPU=38C;90;95
OK: housing (1740rpm),
OK: housing (1380rpm),
OK: power-supply (855rpm),
OK: Ambient is 28 C
OK: Systemboard is 37 C
OK: CPU is 38 C
Bladeserver run:
`$ ./check\_fujitsu\ -H -C public --blade
OK Global status is OK