

check_by_ssc is able to follow a chain of SSH connections, rather than a single one like check_by_ssh.

This may be necessary in situations which involve firewalls, or traversal of several conflicting or private IP ranges.

Unlike using ssh-agent and forwarding access to it throughout the chain, (check_by_)ssc makes all connections from the Nagios host, but through tunnels (forwarded local ports) established within the earlier ssh connections.

Neither the user privkey, nor access to ssh-agent ever leaves the Nagios machine.

Check the README for more details, and example_cfg for how to set up your Nagios to use it.

v1.1 (10-Sep-2010): Added port and commandline randomization to combat "Exit Code 255"s.


Checking whether some port (here, the SSH port) on the last host is reachable still needs differentiation between direct and chained connections

Variants for direct connection:

define command {
    command_name            check-ssh-host-alive
    command_line            $USER1$/check_tcp -H `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/:.*//'` \
                        -p `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/^[^:]*//' -e 's/^://' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^$$/22/'`

define command {
    command_name            check_ssh_connect
    command_line            $USER1$/check_tcp -H `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/:.*//'` \
                        -p `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/^[^:]*//' -e 's/^://' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^$$/22/'` \
                        -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
Variants for chained connection:

define command {
    command_name            check-ssc-host-alive
    command_line            $USER1$/check_by_ssc `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/~[^~]*$$//' -e 's/~/ /g'` \
                        -t 20 -C "$USER1$/check_tcp -H `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/.*[~@]//' -e 's/:.*//'` \
                        -p `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/.*[~@]//' -e 's/^[^:]*//' -e 's/^://' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^$$/22/'`"

define command {
    command_name            check_ssc_connect
    command_line            $USER1$/check_by_ssc `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/~[^~]*$$//' -e 's/~/ /g'` \
                        -t 20 -C "$USER1$/check_tcp -H `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/.*[~@]//' -e 's/:.*//'` \
                        -p `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/.*[~@]//' -e 's/^[^:]*//' -e 's/^://' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^$$/22/'`" \
                        -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$
Otherwise (i.e., for everything where you'd normally use check_by_ssh),
check_by_ssc will handle both - simple examples:

define command {
    command_name            check_ssh
    command_line            $USER1$/check_by_ssc `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/~/ /g'` -t 20 \
                        -C "echo OK: SSH login succeeded"

define command {
    command_name            check_remote_cpu
    command_line            $USER1$/check_by_ssc `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/~/ /g'` -t 20 \
                        -C "$USER1$/check_cpu"

define command {
    command_name            check_remote_load
    command_line            $USER1$/check_by_ssc `echo $HOSTADDRESS$ | sed -e 's/~/ /g'` -t 20 \
                        -C "$USER1$/check_load -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$"
... etc. etc.
Now let's build a chain of hosts:

define host {
    use             generic-host
    host_name           Host1
    alias               A host which we can ssh into directly but which isn't pingable
    check_command           check-ssh-host-alive

define host {
    use             generic-host
    host_name           Host2
    alias               A host which we can reach only from Host1 and at a special SSH port
    parent              Host1
    check_command           check-ssc-host-alive

define host {
    use             generic-host
    host_name           Host3
    alias               A host which is even behind Host2
    parent              Host2
    check_command           check-ssc-host-alive
As said above, checking plain connectivity differs between direct SSH and chains:

define service {
    use             generic-service
    host_name           Host1
    service_description     CONNECT
    check_command           check_ssh_connect!30.0!50.0

define service {
    use             generic-service
    host_name           Host2,Host3
    service_description     CONNECT
    check_command           check_ssc_connect!30.0!50.0
But everything else does not:

define service {
    use             generic-service
    host_name           Host1,Host2,Host3
    service_description     SSH Login
    check_command           check_ssh

define service {
    use             generic-service
    host_name           Host1,Host2,Host3
    service_description     CPU Load
    check_command           check_remote_cpu

define service {
    use             generic-service
    host_name           Host1,Host2,Host3
    service_description     System Load
    check_command           check_remote_load!5.0,4.0,3.0!10.0,6.0,4.0

Don't forget to set up proper dependencies ;-)

define servicedependency {
    host_name           Host1,Host2,Host3
    service_description     CONNECT
    dependent_service_description   SSH Login

define servicedependency {
    host_name           Host1,Host2,Host3
    service_description     SSH Login
    dependent_service_description   CPU Load,System Load