How to use
1 to use this script you have to install firt tw_cli. You can find the source here : just follow the instructions to compile and deploy it
2 then you just have to run the following command : $ ./ --help
If you need to use this script with NRPE you just have to do the following steps :
1 allow your user to run the script with the sudo rights. Just add something like that in your /etc/sudoers (use visudo) : nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: //
2 then just add this kind of line in your NRPE config file : command[check_3ware]=/usr/bin/sudo //
3 don't forget to restart your NRPE daemon
Examples :
./ -P /usr/sbin/tw_cli -a unit_check -p -v -m
DEBUG : action : unit_check, path-tw_cli : /usr/sbin/tw_cli
DEBUG : check if /usr/sbin/tw_cli exists and is executable
DEBUG : warning threshold : 1, critical threshold : 2
DEBUG : controller :
DEBUG : action = unit_check
DEBUG : disk u0/type RAID-1/status OK
DEBUG : disk u1/type RAID-1/status OK
DEBUG : disk u2/type SPARE/status OK
CHECK 3ware RAID - unit_check - OK - 3 unit(s) detected as OK - (u0,RAID-1,OK) (u1,RAID-1,OK) (u2,SPARE,OK) | unitOK=3 unitREBUILD=0 unitNOK=0
Help :
./ --help version 0.2 by Erwan Labynocle Ben Souiden
This plugin checks state of your physical disks and logical units of a 3ware RAID card.
Usage: [-a unit_check|disk_check|all] [-p] [-D "CHECK 3ware RAID - "] [-v] [-m] [-c 2] [-w 1] [-C /c1]
-h, --help
  Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
  Print version information
-D, --display=STRING
  to modify the output display...
  default is "CHECK 3ware RAID - "
-P, --path-tw_cli=STRING
  specify the path to the tw_cli binary
  default value is /usr/sbin/tw_cli
-a, --action=STRING
  specify the action : unit_check|disk_check
  default is disk_check
  disk_check : display state of all physical disks
  unit_check : display state of all logical unit
  all       : check both disks and units
-C, --controller=STRING
  allow you to specify only one controller to check
  the default behavior is to check each time every controller
-c, --critical=INT
  specify a critical threshold for the number of disks in a non-OK state.
  default is 2
  only for the disk_check action
-w, --warning=INT
  specify a warning threshold for the number of disks in a non-OK state.
  default is 1
  only for the disk_check action
-m, --more
  Print a longer output. By default, the output is not complet because
  Nagios may truncate it. This option is just for you
-p, --perfdata
  If you want to activate the perfdata output
-v, --verbose
  Show details for command-line debugging (Nagios may truncate the output)
Send email to if you have questions regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to
This plugin has been created by Erwan Labynocle Ben Souiden
Hope you will enjoy it ;)
Special thank
Just want to thank Eric Schultz to help me to improve this little script