

Since I like our tlight project very much, I wanted my own trafficlight on my notebook. My notebook's OS is linux and I am using kde as windowmanager. So I decided to write a kickerapplet. It is a very small and simple applet but for me it is very usefull.

Please regard this version still as alpha even though it 's stable, used by some nagiosadmins and runing without any problems.

Please post every featurerequest as comment to this project. Of course all other comments are welcome as well.

Right now there is no documentation for this kickerapplet but it's very simple. All you have to do is right click on it an configure it. "Nagios URL" is used to open a browser Window after left clicking on the applet. Copy the attached index2.html to your Nagios folder and configure it (eg.: http://nagios.foobar.org/nagios/index2.html). "Nagios CGI URL" is the url to the nagios cgis. So please but something like http://nagios.foobar.org/nagios/cgi-bin/ in. Please notice that you have to restart kde after installing. Your third mouse button disables or enables the applet.

The applet is reported to run with Nagios Version 1.2,1.3,2.0a1,2.0bx

SuSe 9.1 Users:

I was told that this distro needs following copies after make install:

cp /usr/local/kde/lib/libktlight.la /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/
cp /usr/local/kde/lib/libktlight.la /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/
cp /usr/local/kde/share/apps/kicker/applets/ktlight.desktop /opt/kde3/share/apps/kicker/applets/