

This plugin checks CPU usage and Memory usage (total, used, free) of the most QNAP devices via SNMP. Originally made for a QNAP TS-809, i could also successfully test it with a TS-419. It should works fine with all the QNAP "TS" series. Please give me your feedbacks if you've any problem.


./ -H -v -C -w -c

-H ADDRESS - Hostname to query (default:
-v STRING -> SNMP version to use, only compatible with v1 and v2c (default: 1)
-C STRING - Community for the host SNMP agent (default: public)
-w INTEGER - Warning threshold in percentage (default: 0)
-c INTEGER - Critical threshold in percentage (default: 0)
-h  - Print this help
-V  - Print the Plugin version and warranty

Output example : "OK - CPU usage : 0.3% / Mem. usage: Total: 2016.8 Mb - Used: 271.6 Mb (13%) - Free: 1745.2 Mb (86%)"