Check Users Plugin for Nagios and Cacti


This script provides the number of shell users logged into the target machine. Should work with many flavors of Linux and UNIX.

This script requires:

1) Change the username to match the one you use for Nagios/Cacti data collection. 2) ssh key set up from the Nagios/Cacti server to the desired user on the remote machine 3) If the user that connects to the remote machine is different from the one that Nagios/Cacti run under, then you need something like this in sudoers:

cacti   ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - *

In Nagios command.cfg:

define command{
       command_name    check_users
       command_line    $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ nagios

In Nagios services.cfg

define service{
       use                             service_1_min      
       host_name                       remotehost1,remotehost2
       service_description             users
       check_command                   check_users!40!50
       max_check_attempts              7
       contact_groups                  admins

Info on importing into Cacti