Check PoE state


for my personal need I invented a script to check the status of a PoE-Port. In my case the script is functional for the Extreme Networks (x250-24p). The script is easy to handle and you need to run check_snmp.

  • The script returns 4 different values:

  • OK- PoE active

  • WARNING- PoE inactive

  • UNKWON- Impossible to determine the state of the PoE

  • CRITICAL- Critique - No response from the port


define command{
        command_name    check_poe
        command_line    $USER1$/check_poe $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$


check_command check_poe!!public!.

I hope this script is useful for all and help to save some time. For any comments, suggestions, corrections or improvements do not hesitate to contact me!

Best regards
