This script provides disk utilization for a mountpoint on the target machine.
Should work with many flavors of Linux, and possibly UNIX. (Uses GNU df)
This script requires: 1) Change NAGCACTIUSER to match the username you use for Nagios/Cacti data collection. 2) ssh key set up from the Nagios/Cacti server to the desired user on the remote machine 3) If the user that connects to the remote machine is different from the one that Nagios/Cacti run under, then you need something like this in sudoers:
cacti  ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - *
In command.cfg:
define command{
command_name   check_disk
command_line   $USER1$/ $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ nagios
In services.cfg
define service{
use                            service_1_min     Â
host_name                      remotehost1,remotehost2
service_description            /var space
check_command                  check_disk!/var!80!90
max_check_attempts             5
contact_groups                 admins