
Icinga2 monitoring plugin for syncthing daemon.


Icinga2 monitoring plugin for syncthing daemon.

This plugin monitors syncthing daemon by using its REST API. Inspired by bn8 and vlcty projects.

FreeBSD port here

pkg install check_syncthing


$ check_syncthing
This plugin monitors syncthing daemon by using its REST API.

Requires server URL and API key using flags or environment variables
SYNCTHING_API_KEY and SYNCTHING_URL. Environment variables can be configured
inside .env file in current dir.

  check_syncthing [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  folders     Check status of syncthing folders
  health      Check health of syncthing server
  help        Help about any command
  last-seen   Check last seen time of syncthing clients

  -x, --exclude stringArray   short IDs of devices to exclude
  -h, --help                  help for check_syncthing
  -k, --key string            syncthing REST API key
  -u, --url string            server URL

Use "check_syncthing [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ check_syncthing health -h
Check health of syncthing server.

Checks syncthing servers handles REST API requests, has no system errors and no
folders with errors.

In case of errors, outputs last system error and last error for every folder
with errors.

  check_syncthing health [flags]

  -h, --help   help for health

Global Flags:
  -k, --key string   syncthing REST API key
  -u, --url string   server URL

OK: syncthing server alive: XXXXXXX (localhost)
connected: 4 | 'connected'=4
$ check_syncthing last-seen -h
Check last seen time of syncthing clients.

It lookups a syncthing client with oldest last seen time and outputs warning or
critical status if it's out of given thresholds.

  check_syncthing last-seen [flags]

  -c, --crit duration         critical threshold (default 15m0s)
  -h, --help                  help for last-seen
  -w, --warn duration         warning threshold (default 5m0s)

Global Flags:
  -k, --key string   syncthing REST API key
  -u, --url string   server URL

$ check_syncthing last-seen -w 24h -c 48h
OK: oldest last seen: 21m27s ago
device: XXXXXXX (device1) | 'last seen'=1287s;86400;172800;;

$ check_syncthing last-seen -x YYYYYYY -w 24h -c 48h
OK: oldest last seen: 21m27s ago
device: XXXXXXX (device1)
excluded: YYYYYYY (Windows 7 device) | 'last seen'=1287s;86400;172800;;

$ check_syncthing last-seen -x YYYYYYY
CRITICAL: last seen is outside of CRITICAL threshold
device: XXXXXXX (device1)
last seen: 23m32s ago
threshold: 15m0s
excluded: YYYYYYY Windows 7 device) | 'last seen'=1412s;300;900;;
$ check_syncthing folders -h
Check status of syncthing folders.

Checks for any folder error and completion status of all clients.

  check_syncthing folders [flags]

  -h, --help   help for folders

Global Flags:
  -x, --exclude stringArray   short IDs of devices to exclude
  -k, --key string            syncthing REST API key
  -u, --url string            server URL

$ check_syncthing folders
OK: 8 syncthing folders

$ check_syncthing folders
WARNING: 2/8 folders out of sync
folder: default (Default Folder)
device: XXXXXXX (pc1) - 99%
folder: xxxxx-yyyyy (Folder2)
device: XXXXXXX (pc1) - 3%

$ check_syncthing folders -x XXXXXXX
OK: 8 syncthing folders
excluded: XXXXXXX (pc1)

Icinga2 configuration examples

object CheckCommand "check_syncthing" {
  command = [ PluginDir + "/check_syncthing" ]

  arguments = {
    "--cmd" = {
      value = "$syncthing_cmd$"
      order = -1
      skip_key = true
    "-c" = {
      value = "$syncthing_crit$"
    "-u" = {
      value = "$syncthing_url$"
      required = true
    "-w" = {
      value = "$syncthing_warn$"
    "-x" = {
      value = "$syncthing_exclude$"

  env.SYNCTHING_API_KEY = "$syncthing_key$"

  vars.syncthing_cmd = "health"
  vars.syncthing_key = SyncthingKey
  vars.syncthing_url = "http://$address$:8384"
apply Service "syncthing_" for (item => cfg in host.vars.syncthing) {
  import "generic-service"

  check_command = "check_syncthing"
  vars.syncthing_cmd = item
  vars += cfg

  assign where host.vars.syncthing
object Host "server" {
  vars.syncthing["health"] = {
    grafana_graph_disable = true
  vars.syncthing["folders"] = {
    grafana_graph_disable = true
  vars.syncthing["last-seen"] = {
    syncthing_warn = "12h"
    syncthing_crit = "48h"