is a Nagios / Icinga plugin for checking a EMC² VNX filer's storage usage.
I successfully tested the plugin on a EMC VNX Control Station release 3.0 (NAS 8.1.9). Make sure that the server_df
command is available on your filer.
No additional Python packages are required - just deploy the script and use it.
By defualt, the scripts checks all local file systems - it is also possible to include performance data for data visualization (-P
/ --show-perfdata
The following parameters can be specified:
Parameter | Description |
-d / --debug |
enable debugging outputs (default: no) |
-h / --help |
shows help and quits |
-P / --show-perfdata |
enables performance data (default: no) |
-p / --path |
path of a particular file system to be monitored (default: none) |
-w / --warning |
consumption warning threshold (default: 80%) |
-c / --critical |
consumption critical threshold (default: 90%) |
--version |
prints programm version and quits |
The following example checks all local file systems:
# ./
OK: file system 'fs-giertz' OK (20%), file system 'fs-doge' OK (75%) |
Check a particular file system and also show performance data:
# ./ -p fs-dolan -P
OK: file system 'fs-dolan' OK (0%) | 'fs-dolan_size'=103257584 'fs-dolan_used'=123664 'fs-dolan_free'=103133920
Check multiple file systems:
# ./ -p fs-giertz -p fs-doge
OK: file system 'fs-giertz' OK (20%), file system 'fs-doge' OK (75%) |
To install the plugin, simply deploy the script on the VNX Control Station.
Nagios / Icinga needs to execute the script by executing the check_by_ssh
plugin with nasadmin
Ensure that the Nagios/Icinga(2) service user is able to login onto VNX Control Station without specifying a password:
# chsh -s /bin/bash icinga
# su - icinga
$ ssh-keygen
$ ssh-copy-id nasadmin@VNX-IP
$ ssh nasadmin@VNX-IP
$ exit
# chsh -s /sbin/nologin icinga
When generating the key, don't enter a passphrase, otherwise passwordless login will not work.
Nagios / Icinga
Configure a command like this:
# 'check_vnx_usage' command definition
define command{
command_name check_vnx_usage
command_line $USER1$/check_by_ssh -t 40 -q -l nasadmin -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C "/home/nasadmin/ -P -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$"
Alter your VNX filer object configuration to include this service:
define service{
use generic-service
host_name MY-VNX
service_description DIAG: Storage usage
check_command check_vnx_usage!92!95
Configure a service like this:
apply Service "DIAG: Storage usage" {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "by_ssh"
vars.by_ssh_command = [ "/home/nasadmin/" ]
vars.by_ssh_arguments = {
"-P" = {
description = "Enable performance data (default: no)"
set_if = "$vnx_perfdata$"
"-w" = {
description = "Consumption warning threshold (default: 80%)"
value = "$vnx_warn$"
"-c" = {
description = "Consumption critical theshold (default: 90%)"
value = "$vnx_crit$"
"-p" = {
description = "Path of a particular fiel system to be monitored (default: none)"
value = "$vnx_fs_path$"
vars.by_ssh_quiet = true
vars.by_ssh_timeout = 60
vars.by_ssh_port = host.vars.ssh_port
vars.by_ssh_logname = "nasadmin"
assign where host.vars.os == "vnx" && == "filer"
Alter your VNX filer object configuration to include a SSH port, application and operating system flags and - optional - customized thresholds:
object Host "MY-VNX" {
import "generic-host"
address = "VNX-IP"
vars.ssh_port = "22" = "filer"
vars.os = "vnx"
vars.vnx_warn = "85"
vars.vnx_crit = "92"
To enable performance data, add the following definition:
vars.vnx_perfdata = true
To limit the plugin to a particular list of file systems, use the following statement:
vars.vnx_fs_path = [ "fs-giertz", "fs-doge" ]