
A Nagios / Icinga plugin for monitoring D-Link DGS managed switches


check_dlink_dgs is a Nagios / Icinga plugin for monitoring D-Link DGS managed switches. The plugin checks for disconnected ports and also gathers package counter metrics which can be exposed as performance data. The switch is connected via SNMP (version 1 or 2).


The plugin requires Python 2.6 or newer - it also requires the pysnmp module.


By default, the script checks particular ports for connectivity, it is also possible to auto-detect available ports and check all those ports. The script also supports performance data for data visualization. The following additional parameters can adjust this behavior:

Parameter Description
-d / --debug enable debugging outputs (default: no)
-h / --help shows help and quits
-P / --enable-perfdata enables performance data (default: no)
-H / --host defines the switch hostname or IP
-c / --snmp-community defines the SNMP community (default: public)
-V / --snmp-verions defines the SNMP version (default: 2c)
-p / --snmp-port defines the SNMP port (default: 161)
-P / --ports defines one or more ports for monitoring
-a / --all-ports monitors all ports (default: no)
-A / --active-ports monitors all active ports (default: no)
--version prints programm version and quits


The following command checks a particular port for connectivity:

$ ./ -H -P 1
OK: All specified ports connected |

Checking particular ports by ranges, customized SNMP community:

$ ./ -H -c giertz -P 1,3 -P 4-5
OK: All specified ports connected |

Gathering performance data of a dedicated port:

$ ./ -H -P 26 -e
OK: All specified ports connected | 'inOct ESXi/10G'=577123318111 'outOct ESXi/10G'=1269140449325

Checking all available ports:

$ ./ -H -a
CRITICAL: Disconnected port(s) 2,7,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23,28 |

Checking all connected ports:

$ ./ -H -A
OK: All specified ports connected |


This repository contains a NRPE (check_dlink_dgs.cfg) and Icinga2 (check_dlink_dgs-icinga2.conf) configuration example - take a look!