
Check if zones are in sync on two DNS servers

Check if zones are in sync on two DNS servers

./check_dns_sync --help
usage: check_dns_sync [-h] --reference-ns REFERENCE_NS --replica-ns REPLICA_NS
                      [--check-mode {serial,axfr}] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                      zones [zones ...]

Check DNS sync

positional arguments:
  zones                 Zones to compare

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --reference-ns REFERENCE_NS
                        IP address of reference NS
  --replica-ns REPLICA_NS
                        IP address of NS to be checked
  --check-mode {serial,axfr}
                        Compare only serial or full zone content?
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout for DNS operations
  --verbose, -v         Be verbose in the output