
Plugin for monitoring oracle net connection manager


Oracle Connection Manager plugin for Nagios/Icinga

Table of contents


Plugin for monitoring Oracle Connection Manager

The following can be checked/monitored:

  • "version" : returns the version of the installed CMAN
  • "connections" : returns the number of current connections through CMAN
  • "gateways" : returns the state of each gateway and connection statistics per gateway
  • "services" : returns the state of each service


This plugin can be used in 2 ways:

  • from the monitoring server, connecting to the cmon service running on the cman server
  • from the cman server itself

I would recommend the second way, especially when using the icinga2 agent, as

  • you would not have to open any special firewall rules for remote connections to the cmon service
  • you would not have to enable cman remote management

Some sudo settings need to be configured. Add a file /etc/sudoers.d/check_oracle_cman containing:

Defaults:icinga   !requiretty
icinga ALL=(oracle) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/client_1/bin/cmctl

Integration in your monitoring system



; Script to check external scripts and/or internal aliases.
[External Scripts]
check_oracle_cman=perl scripts\ --mode="$ARG1$" --environment="C:\oracle\client11g"


  • Create a CheckCommand object named "oracle_cman" based on the content of the file icinga2_command_oracle_cman.cfg
  • Create a service using this CheckCommand, to be executed on the client side.



    * basic usage:
      $PROGNAME [-v] [-i ] [-p ] -m  [-e ] [-b ]

    * other usages:
      $PROGNAME [--help | -h | -?]
      $PROGNAME [--version | -V]
      $PROGNAME [--showdefaults | -D]

  General options:
    -v, --verbose
        print extra debugging information
    -h, -?, --help
        print this help message
    -V, --version
        prints version number
    -D, --showdefaults
        Print the option default values

  Plugin specific options:
    -i, --instance (optional)
        cman instance name. Should be set in case of remote admin connection (remote Cman)
    -p, --password (optional)
        administration password, in case it is set. 
    -m, --mode
        select the mode used for the check. Available modes are:
            * "version"     : returns the version of the installed CMAN
            * "connections" : returns the number of current connections through CMAN
            * "gateways"    : returns the state of each gateway and connection statistics per gateway
            * "services"    : returns the state of each service
    -w, --warning
        warning threshold for number of current connections
    -c, --critical
        critical threshold for number of current connections
    -e, --environment
        oracle home path, where the cmctl binary lives
    -b, --cmctl-binary
        path to the cmctl utility, if not in the ORACLE_HOME