Monitoring Ubiquiti AirOs
Check AirOs
The following script is used to monitor and display the basic information of Ubiquity AirOs via snmpwalk scripts and are processed to provide easy-to-read data. It can be run separately or integrated into Icinga2 as a monitoring plugin.
Important: snmpwalk command is required for script to run correctly
Update Note
1.0 - Release
+ Release
Download the script and give it privilages for run
curl -LJO
Move to Icinga Plugin Dir
Default location: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
Add command to Icinga
object CheckCommand "check_airos" { import "plugin-check-command" command = [ PluginDir + "/" ] arguments += { "-c" = { order = 0 value = "$snmp_community$" } "-cr" = { order = 3 value = "$crit$" } "-h" = { order = 1 required = true value = "$address$" } "-t" = { order = 4 required = true value = "$airos_type$" } "-wa" = { order = 2 value = "$warn$" } } }
The Script is designed to monitor the following functions:
[airmax] AirMax: Show all airMax Statistics of device
AirMax Information Enabled: On Quality: 96 % Capacity: 45 % Priority: None NoAck: Off
[info] Info: Show basic information
Device Information Location: OUTSIDE UpTime: 2 days, 18:03:25.00 LastChange: 17:01:14.00 Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. LiteBeam M5 airOs Ver: XW.ar934x.v6.3.6.33330.210818.1930
[radio] Radio: Show status and statistics of radio
Radio Information Mode: AP Wireless Distribution System Country: 380 Frequency: 5185 DFS: Off TxPower: 0 Distance: 0 Chainmask: 1 Antenna: 11x14 - 23 dBi
[ram] Ram: Show ram usage
OK! RAM used: 25.27 / 62.14 Mb (40.67%) RAM free: 36.86 Mb (59.33%) Buffer: 2.99 Mb Cache: 0 Kb
[station] Station: Show station information, work only on station setup
Station Information Name: AP041 Signal: -41 dBm Noise floor: -100 CCQ: 99 % Con. Time: 2 TX/RX Rate: 150 MB / 150 MB TX/RX Bytes: 3.39 GB / 7.88 GB
[wireless] Wireless: Show wireless information
Wireless Information SSID: Bridge Hide: On Signal: -42 dBm RSSI: 54 dBm CCQ: 99 Noise floor: -99 TX/RX Rate: 150 MB / 150 MB Security: WPA2 WDS: On Ap Repeater: Off Channel Width: 40 Station Count: 1
How it work
Method to compose the execution string:
./ -c -h [-wa -cr ] -t
-c --community SNMP v2 community string with Read access.
Default is: public.
-h --host [REQUIRED OPTION] Host name or IP address to check.
Default is: localhost.
-wa --allert-wa Defines the threshold for Warning.
Default is: 75.
-cr --allert-cr Defines the threshold for Critical.
Default is: 50.
-t --type [REQUIRED OPTION] Field for select element to check on WatchGuard Device.
{ airmax | info | radio | ram | station | wireless }.
-H --help Show script help.
-V --version Show script version.
Kalarumeth -
MIT License - Copyright 2022 Kalarumeth