
Icinga Plugin to calculate APC UPS current state from SNMP data


check_snmp_apc_ups_state - Icinga Plugin Script (Check Command).

It calculate APC UPS current state from SNMP data in upsBasicStateOutputState

Tested on:

  • Debian GNU/Linux 10.11 (Buster) with Icinga r2.12.3-1, snmpget 5.7.3
  • Debian GNU/Linux 12.5 (Bookworm) with Icinga r2.14.2-1, snmpget 5.9.3

Put here: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/

PreReq: snpmget tool



$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ [OPTIONS]

Option   GNU long option  Meaning
------   --------------   -------
-H      --hostname        Host name, IP Address
-P      --protocol        SNMP protocol version. Possible values: 1|2c|3
-C      --community       SNMPv1/2c community string for SNMP communication (for example,public)
-L      --seclevel        SNMPv3 securityLevel. Possible values: noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv
-a      --authproto       SNMPv3 auth proto. Possible values: MD5|SHA
-x      --privproto       SNMPv3 priv proto. Possible values: DES|AES
-U      --secname         SNMPv3 username
-A      --authpassword    SNMPv3 authentication password
-X      --privpasswd      SNMPv3 privacy password
-q      --help            Show this message
-v      --version         Print version information and exit

Example for all UPS types:

$ ./ -H -P 2c -C public

Icinga Director integration manual (in Russian):

Icinga плагин check_snmp_apc_ups_state для расширенного отслеживания аварийных состояний ИБП APC по данным, полученным по протоколу SNMP из параметра upsBasicStateOutputState