Powershell script to check/change the status of services. For use with Icinga/NSClient++.
Powershell script to check/change the status of services. For use with Icinga/NSClient++.
SNClient+ - Cross platform monitoring agent
220+ check plugins for Icinga and other Nagios-compatible monitoring applications. Each plugin is a standalone command line tool (written in Python) that provides a specific type of check.
COREX Windows host agentless check plugin for Icinga 2
Nagios Plugin for checking all disks on a windows or linux machine
This repository provides a Service Binary, allowing to run the Icinga Windows PowerShell module as native Windows service in the background
Monitoring plugin to check network interfaces with Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions
This PowerShell module will allow to fetch data from Windows hosts and use them for inventory and monitoring solutions. Together with the Icinga Web 2 module, a detailed overview of your Windows infrastructure will be drawn.