Installation and configuration Start by copying to your Nagios plugins directory, eg. /usr/lib/nagios/plugins. Next create a Nagios command definition: define command{ command_name check_kadmin command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -w 10 -u $ARG1$ -k $ARG2$ -r $ARG3$ } Now create a service definition: define service { host_name server1 service_description Kadmin check_command check_kadmin!user/admin@REALM.COM!/etc/user.keytab!REALM.COM use generic-service notification_interval 0 } Make sure that the Kerberos realm exits in your krb5.conf for the realms that you want to monitor: REALM.COM = { kdc = admin_server = default_domain = } Now create an admin user and keytab to be used for checks: kadmin.local: addprinc -randkey user/admin ktadd -k /etc/user.keytab user/admin Give user user minimal permissions in the kadm5.acl file: user/admin@REALM.COM l You should now be able to reload the Nagios config and hey presto! About ===== check_kadmin was written by BOfH. Homepage: Flames, abuse, mailbombs, etc can be sent to